Vol. 2, No. 1 of Southeast Asian Studies

Published in April, 2013


Note from Editorial Committee pdficon_large

Upland Peoples in the Making of History in Northern Continental Southeast Asia

Guest Editor: Christian DANIELS

Introduction ・・・ Christian DANIELS pdficon_large
Mountain People in the Muang: Creation and Governance of a Tai Polity in Northern Laos ・・・ Nathan BADENOCH, TOMITA Shinsuke pdficon_large
Becoming Stateless: Historical Experience and Its Reflection on the Concept of State among the Lahu in Yunnan and Mainland Southeast Asian Massif ・・・ KATAOKA Tatsuki pdficon_large
From Tea to Temples and Texts: Transformation of the Interfaces of Upland-Lowland Interaction on the China-Myanmar Border ・・・ KOJIMA Takahiro, Nathan BADENOCH pdficon_large
Blocking the Path of Feral Pigs with Rotten Bamboo: The Role of Upland Peoples in the Crisis of a Tay Polity in Southwest Yunnan, 1792 to 1836 ・・・ Christian DANIELS pdficon_large
Why Periodic Markets Are Held: Considering Products, People, and Place in the Yunnan-Vietnam Border Area ・・・ NISHITANI Masaru, Nathan BADENOCH pdficon_large
Book Reviews
Jean Michaud and Tim Forsyth, eds. Moving Mountains: Ethnicity and Livelihoods in Highland China, Vietnam, and Laos. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2011, xvi+235p. ・・・ James CHAMBERLAIN pdficon_large
John Clifford Holt. Spirits of the Place: Buddhism and Lao Religious Culture. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2009, 368p. ・・・ TSUMURA Fumihiko pdficon_large
Andrew Walker, ed. Tai Lands and Thailand: Community and State in Southeast Asia. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2009, 261p. ・・・ BABA Yuji pdficon_large
Bertil Lintner and Michael Black. Merchants of Madness: The Methamphetamine Explosion in the Golden Triangle. Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books, 2009, xii+180p. ・・・ Ronalad
Thein Swe and Paul Chambers. Cashing in across the Golden Triangle: Thailand’s Northern Border Trade with China, Laos, and Myanmar. Chiang Mai: Mekong Press, 2011, xx+192p. ・・・ Chris BAKER pdficon_large