Vol. 1, No. 3 of Southeast Asian Studies

Published in December, 2012


De-institutionalizing Religion in Southeast Asia
Guest Editor: Tatsuki KATAOKA
De-institutionalizing Religion in Southeast Asia ・・・ Tatsuki KATAOKA pdficon_large
Buddhism on the Border: Shan Buddhism and Transborder Migration in Northern Thailand ・・・ Tadayoshi MURAKAMI pdficon_large
Tai Buddhist Practices in Dehong Prefecture, Yunnan, China ・・・ Takahiro KOJIMA pdficon_large
Two Versions of Buddhist Karen History of the Late British Colonial Period in Burma: Kayin Chronicle (1929) and Kuyin Great Chronicle (1931) ・・・ Kazuto IKEDA pdficon_large
Religion as Non-religion: The Place of Chinese Temples in Phuket, Southern Thailand ・・・ Tatsuki KATAOKA pdficon_large
A Study of the Hồi giáo Religion in Vietnam: With a Reference to Islamic Religious Practices of Cham Bani ・・・ Yasuko YOSHIMOTO pdficon_large
Book Reviews
Yoshinori Nishizaki. Political Authority and Provincial Identity in Thailand: The Making of Banharn-buri. Ithaca: Cornell Southeast Asia Program Publications, 2011, xvii+254p. ・・・ Patricio N. ABINALES pdficon_large
Kirsten W. Endres. Performing the Divine: Mediums, Markets and Modernity in Urban Vietnam. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 2011, 244p. ・・・ Janet HOSKINS pdficon_large
Sarinda Singh. Natural Potency and Political Power: Forests and State Authority in Contemporary Laos. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2012, 192p. ・・・ Keith BARNEY pdficon_large
Johan Saravanamuttu, ed. Islam and Politics in Southeast Asia. London: Routledge, 2009, 188p, with index. ・・・ Paul A. RODELL pdficon_large
Chie Ikeya. Refiguring Women, Colonialism, and Modernity in Burma. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2011, 239p. ・・・ Hiroko KAWANAMI pdficon_large
Hong Liu. China and the Shaping of Indonesia, 1949–1965. Singapore: NUS Press in association with Kyoto University Press, 2011, 310p. ・・・ Nobuhiro AIZAWA pdficon_large
Rhacel Salazar Parreñas. Illicit Flirtations: Labor, Migration, and Sex Trafficking in Tokyo. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2011, 325p. ・・・ Cherry Amor
May Adadol Ingawanij and Benjamin McKay, eds. Glimpses of Freedom: Independent Cinema in Southeast Asia. Ithaca: Cornell Southeast Asia Program Publications, 2012, viii+246p. ・・・ Joel DAVID pdficon_large
Jason Lim. Linking an Asian Transregional Commerce in Tea: Overseas Chinese Merchants in the Fujian-Singapore Trade, 1920–1960. Leiden: Brill NV, 2010, 252p. ・・・ Man-houng LIN pdficon_large