Special Focus
Global Powers and Local Resources in Southeast Asia:
Political and Social Dynamics of Foreign Investment Ventures
Guest Editor: Morishita Akiko |
Introduction |
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Economic Development via Dam Building: The Role of the State Government in the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy and the Impact on Environment and Local Communities |
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Andrew AERIA |
Political Dynamics of Foreign-Invested Development Projects in Decentralized Indonesia: The Case of Coal Railway Projects in Kalimantan |
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Rare Earth Plant in Malaysia: Governance, Green Politics, and Geopolitics |
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Kai Lit PHUA |
Articles |
When Memory Speaks: Transnational Remembrances in Vietnam War Literature |
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Quan Manh HA |
The Case of Regional Disaster Management Cooperation in ASEAN: A Constructivist Approach to Understanding How International Norms Travel |
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Muhammad RUM |
Highland Chiefs and Regional Networks in Mainland Southeast Asia: Mien Perspectives |
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LE Jiem Tsan
Richard D. CUSHMAN
Hjorleifur JONSSON |
Book Reviews |
A. C. S. Peacock and Annabel Teh Gallop, eds. From Anatolia to Aceh: Ottomans, Turks, and Southeast Asia. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015, xvi+348p. |
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R. Michael FEENER |
Maurizio Peleggi, ed. A Sarong for Clio: Essays on the Intellectual
and Cultural History of Thailand, Inspired by Craig J. Reynolds.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell Southeast Asia Program Publications,
2015, 208p. |
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Milagros Camayon Guerrero. Luzon at War: Contradictions in
Philippine Society, 1898–1902 (with an introduction by Vicente
L. Rafael). Quezon City: Anvil Publishing Inc., 2015, 295p. |
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Portia L. REYES |
Farouk Yahya. Magic and Divination in Malay Illustrated
Manuscripts. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2015, xxvii+349p.,
308 illus., 2 maps. |
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Deirdre de la Cruz. Mother Figured: Marian Apparitions &
the Making of a Filipino Universal. Chicago: The University
of Chicago Press, 2015, 320p. |
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Mark Iñigo M. TALLARA |
Andrew C. Willford. Tamils and the Haunting of Justice: History
and Recognition in Malaysia’s Plantations. Singapore:
NUS Press, 2015, 336p. |
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Rajesh DANIEL |
Michele Ford and Thomas B. Pepinsky, eds. Beyond Oligarchy:
Wealth, Power and Contemporary Indonesian Politics. Ithaca:
Cornell Southeast Asia Program Publications, 2014, x+178p. |
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Laurens BAKKER |
Philip Taylor. The Khmer Lands of Vietnam: Environment,
Cosmology and Sovereignty. Singapore: NUS Press,
2014, 350p. |
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Sarah Turner, Christine Bonnin, and Jean Michaud. Frontier
Livelihoods: Hmong in the Sino-Vietnamese Borderlands.
Seattle and London: University of Washington Press,
2015, 223p. |
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Marlyne Sahakian. Keeping Cool in Southeast Asia: Energy
Consumption and Urban Air-Conditioning. New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, x–xviii+229p. |
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Benjamin C. MCLELLAN |