Vol. 6, No. 2 of Southeast Asian Studies


Published in August, 2017


Rural Northeast Thailand in Transition:
Recent Changes and Their Implications for the Long-Term Transformation of the Region
Guest Editors: Kono Yasuyuki, Arunee Promkhambut, and A. Terry Rambo
Introduction ・・・ KONO Yasuyuki
ARUNEE Promkhambut
A. Terry RAMBO
The Agrarian Transformation in Northeastern Thailand: A Review of Recent Research ・・・ A. Terry RAMBO pdficon_large
Household Dynamics, the Capitalist Economy, and Agricultural Change in Rural Thailand ・・・ CHAI Podhisita pdficon_large
Household Structure and Sources of Income in a Rice-Growing Village in Northeast Thailand ・・・ SHIRAI Yuko
A. Terry RAMBO
Improvement in Rainfed Rice Production during an Era of Rapid National Economic Growth: A Case Study of a Village in Northeast Thailand ・・・ WATANABE Kazuo pdficon_large
Factors Influencing Variations in the Density, Extent of Canopy Cover, and Origin of Trees in Paddy Fields in a Rainfed Rice-Farming Village in Northeast Thailand ・・・ WATANABE Moriaki
PATMA Vityakon
A. Terry RAMBO
Multiple Cropping after the Rice Harvest in Rainfed Rice Cropping Systems in Khon Kaen Province, Northeast Thailand ・・・ ARUNEE Promkhambut
A. Terry RAMBO
Trends in Hybrid Tomato Seed Production under Contract Farming in Northeast Thailand ・・・ CHALEE Gedgaew
SUCHINT Simaraks
A. Terry RAMBO
Recent Changes in Agricultural Land Use in the Riverine Area of Nakhon Phanom Province, Northeast Thailand ・・・ SORAT Praweenwongwuthi
TEWIN Kaewmuangmoon
A. Terry RAMBO
Book Reviews
Jamie S. Davidson. Indonesia’s Changing Political Economy: Governing the Roads. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015, xvii+292pp. ・・・ KONISHI Tetsu pdficon_large
Porphant Ouyyanont. Rural Thailand: Change and Continuity. Trends in Southeast Asia, No.8. Singapore: ISEAS–Yusof Ishak Institute, 2016, 31pp. ・・・ Jonathan RIGG pdficon_large
Mikael Gravers and Flemming Ytzen, eds. Burma/Myanmar: Where Now? Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 2014, xiv+447pp.
Renaud Egreteau and François Robinne, eds. Metamorphosis: Studies in Social and Political Change in Myanmar. Singapore: NUS Press in association with IRASEC, 2015, xiv+428pp.
・・・ Ward KEELER pdficon_large
Soon Chuan Yean. Tulong: An Articulation of Politics in the Christian Philippines. Manila: University of Santo Tomas Publishing House, 2015, xvii+275pp. ・・・ KUSAKA Wataru pdficon_large
Christine Bacareza Balance. Tropical Renditions: Making Musical Scenes in Filipino America. Durham: Duke
University Press, 2016, xviii+230pp.
・・・ Anjeline DE DIOS pdficon_large
Juliet Lee Uytanlet. The Hybrid Tsinoys: Challenges of Hybridity and Homogeneity as Sociocultural Constructs among the Chinese in the Philippines. Eugene: Pickwick Publications, 2016, xx+261pp. ・・・ Richard T. CHU pdficon_large
Michael Herzfeld. Siege of the Spirits: Community and Polity in Bangkok. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2016, xii+267pp. ・・・ Sophorntavy VORNG pdficon_large
Pamela D. McElwee. Forests Are Gold: Trees, People, and Environmental Rule in Vietnam. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2016, xxvi+283pp. ・・・ Michitake ASO pdficon_large
Rob Cramb and John F. McCarthy, eds. The Oil Palm Complex: Smallholders, Agribusiness and the State in Indonesia and Malaysia. Singapore: NUS Press, 2016, xvi+470pp. ・・・ TERAUCHI Daisuke pdficon_large
Tim Bunnell. From World City to the World in One City: Liverpool through Malay Lives. Chichester and Malden: John Wiley & Sons, 2016, xvii+284pp. ・・・ TOMIZAWA Hisao pdficon_large