Vol. 10, No. 2 of Southeast Asian Studies


Published in August, 2021


Faces of Local Transformation:
Policy Coalitions and Socio-economic Development in the Philippines
Guest Editor: Takagi Yusuke

Editorial Note ・・・ Takagi Yusuke pdficon_large
Policy Making after Revolution: The Faces of Local Transformation of the Philippines ・・・ Takagi Yusuke pdficon_large
Rise of “Business-Friendly” Local Elite Rule in the Philippines: How the Valdezes Developed San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte ・・・ Kusaka Wataru pdficon_large
Conjugal Mayorship: The Fernandos and the Transformation of Marikina, 1992–2010 ・・・ Meynardo P. Mendoza pdficon_large
From Governing to Selling Tourism: Changing Role of Local Government in the Tourism Development of Bohol, Philippines ・・・ Carl Milos R. Bulilan pdficon_large
Creating Sulu: In Search of Policy Coalitions in the Conflict-Ridden Island ・・・ Criselda Yabes pdficon_large
Book Reviews
Courtney Work. Tides of Empire: Religion, Development, and Environment in Cambodia. New York: Berghahn Books, 2020. ・・・ Lisa Arensen pdficon_large
Ahmad Syafii Maarif. Translated by George A. Fowler. Islam, Humanity, and Indonesian Identity: Reflections on History. Singapore: NUS Press, 2019. ・・・ Julian Millie pdficon_large
Tan Lee Ooi. Buddhist Revitalization and Chinese Religions in Malaysia. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2020. ・・・ Huang Yun pdficon_large
Patcharin Lapanun. Love, Money and Obligation: Transnational Marriage in a Northeastern Thai Village. Singapore: NUS Press, 2019. ・・・ Saowanee T. Alexander pdficon_large
Christopher J. Shepherd. Haunted Houses and Ghostly Encounters: Ethnography and Animism in East Timor, 1860–1975. Singapore: Asian Studies Association of Australia/NUS Press, 2019. ・・・ Guido Sprenger pdficon_large
Jonathan Rigg. Rural Development in Southeast Asia: Dispossession, Accumulation and Persistence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. ・・・ Hua Xiaobo pdficon_large
Philipp Bruckmayr. Cambodia’s Muslims and the Malay World: Malay Language, Jawi Script, and Islamic Factionalism from the 19th Century to the Present. Leiden: Brill, 2019. ・・・ William Noseworthy pdficon_large