Notice to Contributors
(1) Published continuously since 1963, Southeast Asian Studies (SEAS) is a bilingual quarterly journal that reflects the Center for Southeast Asian Studies’ strong commitment to publishing the best of empirically grounded, multidisciplinary, and contemporary research in the natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities. Peer-reviewed by a broad range of specialists, the journal accepts articles for review all year round.
(2) Both manuscripts and book reviews submitted for publication undergo rigorous peer review. This is based on initial screening by the editorial committee before anonymous refereeing. Submitted manuscripts will not be returned to the author.
(3) Submissions must be original research not previously published in other journals, or as chapters in edited volumes. Only submissions not being reviewed in other journals will be accepted.
(4) Manuscripts may be written in either Japanese or English. Before submitting manuscripts in other languages, please consult the Editorial Office. Manuscripts in English should not exceed 15,000 words (excluding figures, charts, maps, and tables). An English abstract of about 200 words and a list of no more than 8 keywords should be appended to each manuscript. Book reviews should be limited to about 1,200 words. Contributors should consult the Editorial Office if their manuscripts include special letters or symbols or a large number of figures, charts, or other material that may require special attention in the production process.
(5) Manuscripts must be submitted in electronic format (Microsoft Word) either by e-mail or by regular mail. American spelling and punctuation (including quotation marks) are preferred. The entire document should be double-spaced and use 12-point Times New Roman Font. Figures, charts, maps and photos should be provided in a digital format as separate files, with clear placement indicators in the text. As SEAS uses an anonymous refereeing system, authors are requested to omit their names and all references to their identities in the main text of their article. Please submit an abstract with author name, affiliation and contact details in a separate Word document.
(6) Copyright of all manuscripts published in Southeast Asian Studies will be assigned to the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University. For inquiries about republication, translation or use of articles published in Southeast Asian Studies please contact the Editorial Office.
(7) Authors will not be charged or remunerated for publication of manuscripts. But in cases whereby color Charts, Maps or Photos are indispensable for understanding the contents, authors will be charged at cost price. Thirty reprints will be provided free of charge; additional copies can be ordered at cost price.
(8) Guidelines on the bibliographic format to be employed for English and foreign-language references can be found on the center’s homepage ( or can be requested from the Editorial Office.
(9) Manuscripts and editorial communications should be sent to the Editorial Office, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, 46 Shimoadachi-cho, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan.
Tel. +81-75-753-7344 Fax +81-75-753-7356 e-mail: english-editorial[at]