Vol. 1, No. 1 of Southeast Asian Studies

Published in April, 2012


Caring for the Dead Ritually in Cambodia ・・・ John Clifford HOLT pdficon_large
State Recognition or State Appropriation?
Land Rights and Land Disputes among the Bugkalot/Ilongot
of Northern Luzon, Philippines
・・・ Shu-Yuan YANG pdficon_large
Javanese Women and Islam: Identity Formation since the Twentieth Century ・・・ Kurniawati Hastuti Dewi pdficon_large
Research Report
Decision Support System Research and Development Network
for Agricultural and Natural Resource Management
in Thailand: A TRF-DSS Experience
・・・ Attachai JINTRAWET et al. pdficon_large
Book Reviews
Edward Aspinall and Gerry van Klinken, eds. The State and
Illegality in Indonesia. Leiden: KITLV Press, 2010, 328 p, with bibliography and index.
・・・ Rommel A. CURAMING pdficon_large
Caroline S. Hau and Kasian Tejapira, eds. Traveling Nation-Makers: Transnational Flows and Movements in the Making of Modern Southeast Asia. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press in association with Kyoto University Press, 2011, 318 p. ・・・ Thanet Aphornsuvan pdficon_large
Paulin G. Djité. The Language Difference: Language and Development in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2011, 264 p.
Andy Kirkpatrick. English as a Lingua Franca in ASEAN: A Multilingual Model. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2010, 236 p.
・・・ Nathan BADENOCH pdficon_large
Kate Lazarus, Nathan Badenoch, Nga Dao and Bernadette P. Resurreccion, eds. Water Rights and Social Justice in the Mekong Region. London and Washington, D.C.: Earthscan, 2011, 285 p. ・・・ CHEN Jianming pdficon_large
Michael R. Dove, Percy E. Sajise and Amity A. Doolittle, eds.
Beyond the Sacred Forest: Complicating Conservation in Southeast Asia. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2011, 372 p.
・・・ Andreas NEEF pdficon_large
Lye Liang Fook and Chen Gang, eds. Towards a Liveable and Sustainable Urban Environment: Eco-Cities in East Asia. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2010, 222 p. ・・・ Zhiqun ZHU pdficon_large
John Nery. Revolutionary Spirit: Jose Rizal in Southeast Asia. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2011, 280 p. ・・・ Erwin S. FERNANDEZ pdficon_large