Vol. 12, No. 1 of Southeast Asian Studies

Southeast Asian Studies

Southeast Asian Studies

Since its first publication in 1963, the bilingual quarterly Southeast Asian Studies (SEAS), Kyoto University has reflected the Center for Southeast Asian Studies’ strong commitment to publishing the best of empirically grounded, multidisciplinary, and contemporary research on Southeast Asia and related areas. In 2012, we re-launched Southeast Asian Studies as an all-English journal, alongside its Japanese sister journal, Tonan Ajia Kenkyu. Intended for a regional as well as global readership, Southeast Asian Studies is published three times a year. The new journal aims to promote excellent, agenda-setting scholarship and provide a forum for dialogue and collaboration both within and beyond the region. Southeast Asian Studies engages in wide-ranging and in-depth discussions that are attuned to the issues, debates, and imperatives within the region, while affirming the importance of learning and sharing ideas on a cross-country, global, and historical scale. An integral part of the journal’s mandate is to foster scholarship that is capable of bridging the continuing divide in area studies between the social sciences and humanities, on the one hand, and the natural sciences, on the other hand. To this end, the journal welcomes accessibly written articles that build on insights and cutting-edge research from the natural sciences.

Southeast Asian Studies is an open access journal. For our Copyright and Licensing Statement.
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the ScholarOne Manuscripts online submission system.
Call for Book Review submissions Southeast Asian Studies publishes reviews on a range of topics across the region. Expressions of interest should contact the reviews editors (via email to bookreviews[at]cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp) with the following information (a) the title/s of book/s she is interested in, (b) a statement indicating the potential reviewer’s research interests as it pertains to his/her suitability for the review, and (c) a CV with publications history (as an attachment).

Print ISSN: 2186-7275 Online ISSN: 2423-8686

Vol. 12, No. 1 of Southeast Asian Studies


Published in April, 2023


Special Focus
Environment and Public Welfare in the Creation and Development of Economic Infrastructure in Southeast Asia,
c. 1800–1930: Currency Supply, Forest Control, and Rail Transport
Guest Editor: Ota Atsushi

Introduction ・・・ Ota Atsushi pdficon_large
The Nguyễn Dynasty’s Government Purchase System in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century: Multiple Functions and Economic Rationality ・・・ Taga Yoshihiro pdficon_large
Creation of the State Forest System and Its Hostility to Local People in Colonial Java, Indonesia ・・・ Mizuno Kosuke
Hayati Sari Hasibuan
Okamoto Masaaki
Farha Widya Asrofani
Why Did the Railways Fail to Monopolize Transport? The Limits of Rail Transport in Thailand and Burma before World War II ・・・ Kakizaki Ichiro pdficon_large
Geography of Insecurity in Contemporary Jakarta: Cross-Class Spread of Residential Street Barriers ・・・ Kuno Genta pdficon_large
From Pengusaha (Businessperson) to Penguasa (Ruler): Migrant Traders and the Politics of Hospitality in Indonesia ・・・ Hatib Abdul Kadir pdficon_large
Farmers’ Reactions to Compulsory Land Acquisition for Urbanization in Central Vietnam ・・・ Nguyen Quang Phuc pdficon_large
Book Reviews
Soda Naoki. Conceptualizing the Malay World: Colonialism and Pan-Malay Identity in Malaya. Kyoto: Kyoto University Press; Melbourne: Trans Pacific Press, 2020. ・・・ Ooi Keat Gin pdficon_large
John Scott Reed. The US Volunteers in the Southern Philippines: Counterinsurgency, Pacification, and Collaboration, 1899–1901. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2020. ・・・ William N. Holden pdficon_large
Takashi Shiraishi. The Phantom World of Digul: Policing as Politics in Colonial Indonesia, 1926–1941. Singapore: NUS Press in association with Kyoto University Press, 2021. ・・・ Thiti Jamkajornkeiat pdficon_large
Vicente L. Rafael. The Sovereign Trickster: Death and Laughter in the Age of Duterte. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2022. ・・・ Adele Webb pdficon_large
Michael Falser. Angkor Wat: A Transcultural History of Heritage, Volume 1 Angkor in France. From Plaster Casts to Exhibition Pavilions; Angkor Wat: A Transcultural History of Heritage, Volume 2 Angkor in Cambodia. From Jungle Find to Global Icon. Boston: De Gruyter Art & Architecture, 2019. ・・・ Fujihara Sadao pdficon_large


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