Vol. 9, No. 2 of Southeast Asian Studies


Published in August, 2020


Stories across Borders:
Myths of Origin and Their Contestation in the Borderlands of South and Southeast Asia
Guest Editors: Monica JANOWSKI and Erik DE MAAKER

Borderland Narratives ・・・ Erik DE MAAKER
Narrating Loss and Differentiation: Lahu Origin Stories on the Margins of Burma, China, and Siam ・・・ Frances O’MORCHOE pdficon_large
A Place of Belonging in Myths and Memories: The Origin and Early History of the Imagined Tai Khuen Nation (Chiang Tung/Kyaingtong, Myanmar) ・・・ Klemens KARLSSON pdficon_large
The Story of Lun Tauh, “Our People”: Narrating Identity on the Borders in the Kelabit Highlands ・・・ Valerie MASHMAN pdficon_large
Contesting Multiple Borders: Bricolage Thinking and Matua Narratives on the Andaman Islands ・・・ Carola Erika LOREA pdficon_large
Book Reviews
John Clifford Holt. Myanmar’s Buddhist-Muslim Crisis: Rohingya, Arakanese, and Burmese Narratives of Siege and Fear. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2019. ・・・ Jacques P. LEIDER pdficon_large
Mary E. McCoy. Scandal and Democracy: Media Politics in Indonesia. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2019. ・・・ Wasisto Raharjo JATI pdficon_large
Francis E. Hutchinson and Lee Hwok Aun, eds. The Defeat of Barisan Nasional: Missed Signs or Late Surge? Singapore: ISEAS Publishing, 2019. ・・・ Guanie LIM pdficon_large
Benedict J. Tria Kerkvliet. Speaking Out in Vietnam: Public Political Criticism in a Communist Party-Ruled Nation. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2019. ・・・ ITO Masako pdficon_large
Claire E. Edington. Beyond the Asylum: Mental Illness in French Colonial Vietnam. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2019. ・・・ Sokhieng AU pdficon_large
David Brenner. Rebel Politics: A Political Sociology of Armed Struggle in Myanmar’s Borderlands. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2019. ・・・ Nicholas ROSS pdficon_large